Auto Finance

Car Dealer

Court of Appeal throws leasing and asset fu...

Nov 01, 2024Comments off

The Court of Appeal ruling on Johnson v FirstRand Bank (MotoNovo), Wrench v FirstRand Bank and Hopcraft v Close Brothers has been reverberating round the

Autorama implements Ebbon-Dacs’ Leaselink...

Feb 21, 2019Comments off

Hemel Hempstead based Autorama Group has selected Ebbon-Dacs’ market-leading e-procurement platform, Leaselink, to handle all new vehicle orders across its three main brands and generate

Consumer motor finance on new business fell...

May 14, 2018Comments off

New figures released by the Finance & Leasing Association (FLA) show that new business in the point of sale (POS) consumer car finance market fell

Brendan Gleeson Wins Auto Finance Award

May 30, 2017Comments off

Brendan Gleeson, Group CEO of White Clarke Group, wins the ‘Auto Finance Personality of the Year’ award at the prestigious International Auto Finance Network (IAFN)