Law & Legislation

Banish phones and drive away distraction, F...

Nov 19, 2013Comments off

Association take 'imperative' stand against motorists who take calls at the wheel

‘They’re just revenue raisers&#...

Nov 19, 2013Comments off

Almost half of drivers insist cameras exist to make money, with 52% claiming they are not situated in accident hotspots

‘As bad as drink-driving’: Brak...

Nov 18, 2013Comments off

Police get tough on at-the-wheel mobile use as road safety charity launch distracted driving campaign

FTA urge government focus on green fleets

Nov 13, 2013Comments off

Financial support enabling investment in alternative low-carbon fuels and technologies must be given to industry, Association insist

Lorry safety cameras vital to cut cycle dea...

Nov 07, 2013Comments off

Government urged to make truck CCTV compulsory after another cyclist is killed in a HGV crash

‘Unwelcome’ HGV height restrict...

Nov 06, 2013Comments off

FTA and RHA just two Associations who speak out against MEP Jorg Leichtfried's recommendations

Whiplash cheats under spotlight as MPs revi...

Nov 06, 2013Comments off

Under mooted proposals, independent medical panels could be introduced to thwart bogus claims

‘Lucky to be alive’: Car salvag...

Nov 05, 2013Comments off

Lee Roberts, 33, from Wigan, was induced into a coma after the inspection pit he was standing in burst into flames

Tyre safety ignorance risking young drivers...

Nov 04, 2013Comments off

A worryingly high proportion of 18-25 year-old drivers are failing to ensure their tyres are legal

Driver licence checking tool added to Chevi...

Nov 01, 2013Comments off

Pay-on-use solution allows a series of bespoke rules and profiles to be set up