Responding to the publication of “Invest 2035: The UK’s Modern Industrial Strategy”, the Industrial Strategy Green Paper, Logistics UK, Deputy Director – Policy, Michelle Gardner says:
“Logistics is one of the UK’s key foundational sectors and must be prioritised as such in the final version of the Industrial Strategy to be published in Spring 2025. All eight of the “growth-driving sectors” picked out by the Green Paper, depend on an efficient logistics sector. As the government starts to get the economy back on track, we need to ensure that the track is in the best condition possible.
“The efficiency of the logistics sector and productivity of the economy are completely intertwined. With appropriate investment, policy changes and the right partnerships with government, the logistics sector could provide a boost of up to £7.9 billion per year to the UK’s GDP in productivity gains by 2030: this must be reflected in the Industrial Strategy and forthcoming trade and infrastructure strategies.
“The Green Paper announces the creation of the Industrial Strategy Forum and Industrial Strategy Council, and Logistics UK would welcome the opportunity to participate in both of these bodies to ensure the UK’s Industrial Strategy, through a focus on infrastructure, innovation, skills, regulatory reform, trade and inward investment, maximises the strategic advantages that logistics can deliver to the whole economy.”
The new modern industrial strategy – Invest 2035 – is the UK government’s 10-year plan to deliver the certainty and stability businesses need to invest in the high growth sectors that will drive our growth mission.
The strategy will focus on tackling barriers to growth in our highest potential growth-driving sectors and places, creating the right conditions for increased investment, high-quality jobs and ensuring tangible impact in communities right across the UK.
The strategy’s goal is to capture a greater share of internationally mobile investment in strategic sectors and spur domestic businesses to boost their investment and scale up their growth – an essential step in achieving sustainable, inclusive and resilient growth.
This green paper sets out the government’s approach and asks for views and evidence to help develop a successful, modern industrial strategy to be launched in spring 2025.