
Car having its tyres changed

Most drivers don’t know if their tyres ar...

Jan 20, 2025No Comments

UK drivers are putting themselves at risk of avoidable road collisions and hefty fines by not regularly checking the condition of their tyres and not

Timberpak is fitting Wheely-Safe technology across its fleet

Wheely-Safe solution offers Timberpak the f...

Feb 26, 2024Comments off

Recycling and reprocessing business Timberpak is fitting Wheely-Safe technology across its fleet of trucks and trailers to improve the efficiency and safety of its operations.

TreadReader system boosts productivity and safety for national car dealer

TreadReader boosts productivity and safety ...

Jan 17, 2024Comments off

Big Motoring World, one of the UK’s leading independent pre-owned car dealers, is using the TreadReader 3D DriveOver ramp system to improve productivity and efficiency

Peterborough Bluelight Services IVA

Aebi Schmidt extends IVA test facilities to...

Nov 10, 2023Comments off

Aebi Schmidt UK has extended the Individual Vehicle Approval (IVA) test facilities at its Peterborough head office having gained a green light from the Driver

DVSA Roadside Check Point

Revised guidance on categorisation of defec...

Apr 25, 2023Comments off

The DVSA has issued revised guidance on how they categorise vehicle defects in roadside checks has been published. The guide outlines the actions they will

Trailer Tyre

DVSA: Free Rolling Tyres

Mar 28, 2023Comments off

Last November we published an article alerting to the fact that there were to be significant changes to the DVSA annual test. One of thos

Ensuring safety for dangerous goods transpo...

Nov 22, 2022Comments off

Hauliers carrying dangerous goods or chemicals are usually very aware of their legal requirements – but it’s surprising how easily the basics can be missed.

Revised guidance on categorisation of vehic...

Apr 21, 2022Comments off

Revised guidance on how the DVSA will categorise vehicle defects in roadside checks has been published today, 20 April 2022. This guide outlines the actions

Commercial vehicle safety should be top pri...

Apr 07, 2022Comments off

The recent introduction of the Highway Code Hierarchy and enforcement of the Direct Vision Standard in London has made commercial vehicle safety top of the

HGV brakes being tested

Beyond the brake test

Feb 14, 2022Comments off

For every vehicle you manage, your brake test report can tell you more than whether the vehicle has passed or failed a test. So, you