An electric car being charged

A guide to grants to help transition to an EV infrastructure

Electric vehicles (EVs) are leading to a major shift in the transportation and automotive industries at a time when sustainability and social responsibility are becoming more important. Businesses in the United Kingdom are being encouraged to embrace electric vehicles and put investment into the required infrastructure through a number of Fleet EV grants and incentives offered by the government. If companies want to update their fleets, lower their carbon footprints, and meet the UK’s ambitious zero-emission goals, they must understand and take advantage of these advantages.

With the help of the Office for Zero Emission Vehicles (OZEV), the government has shown its dedication to creating a more environmentally friendly future. There will be a critical need for government subsidies and incentives to encourage the widespread adoption of zero-emission vehicles in the years leading up to 2030 and 2035. Effortlessly and effectively fund your transition to electric vehicle infrastructure with the help of this guide, which attempts to navigate the landscape of available support.

Various forms of government-backed financial aid are detailed in this article, including qualifying requirements and the application procedure. We want to provide you a full picture of the possibilities by breaking down important projects and showing you examples of successful transitions. There is a lot of support for businesses of all sizes on the road to electrification, so now is a good time to look at how the UK’s campaign for electric vehicle adoption might help your company. It’s important to note that in order to claim these incentives you must work with OZEV authorised installers which is where the EV experts at ElectrAssure can help you.

Electric Vehicle Infrastructure Grants & Incentives:

Businesses, schools, and municipalities in the United Kingdom can take advantage of a variety of grants and incentives meant to hasten the adoption of electric vehicles (EVs), proving the government’s dedication to the cause. Businesses and public sector organisations will be able to support the increasing number of electric vehicles on the road with the help of these financial incentives, which will minimise the cost of constructing EV charging infrastructure.

Important Government Programmes

Scheme for Charities and Small Accommodation Businesses to Pay in the Workplace: Hotels, B&Bs, and nonprofits can apply for up to £14,000 under this programme to set up electric vehicle charging stations for their staff and drivers. Having 249 employees or fewer and dedicated off-street parking is a need to be eligible.

Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises (SMEs) are eligible for an infrastructure grant that can cover up to seventy-five percent of the cost to build electric vehicle charging infrastructure. The maximum amount that SMEs can get is £500 for each parking bay or £850 for each bay that already has an EV charging point.

If you run a business and want to install electric vehicle (EV) charging stations for your tenants, employees, or fleet drivers, you can get a grant of £350 per EV plug, up to 100 sockets per fiscal year.

A new programme called the Education Institutes Charging Grant would pay for as much as 75% of the cost to install electric vehicle charging stations at state-funded institutions like schools, colleges, and nurseries, up to a maximum of £2,500 per station.

Capital contributions for charging projects are made possible by the £381 million Local Electric Vehicle Infrastructure (LEVI) Fund, which helps local authorities across the UK install thousands of new chargers.

Designed for use by local governments, the On-Street Residential Charging Scheme (ORCS) can subsidise as much as half of the initial investment required to build a public charging station for electric vehicles (up to a maximum of £200,000).

Practical Use and Execution

While each grant’s application procedure is unique, most require filling out an online form and submitting it through a government portal. Companies are required to show a need for electric vehicle charging stations and meet certain criteria, such as having the stations registered with the National Chargepoint Registry (NCR) and having them installed solely for staff or fleet vehicles.

These Incentives and Their Significance

In order to encourage businesses and public entities to engage in sustainable transport solutions, these incentives are vital for lowering the initial financial barrier to EV infrastructure development. Organisations may help the UK reach its net-zero goals and encourage more people to buy electric vehicles by making charging stations more convenient and accessible through the use of these incentives.

In order to construct a strong EV charging infrastructure that satisfies the demands of all parties concerned, the government is taking a comprehensive approach, which includes training for EV officers and the creation of good practice guidelines.

Learning about and making use of these government grants and incentives is a crucial first step for companies, municipalities, and schools trying to make the switch to electric vehicles. This way, they can reap financial rewards while simultaneously contributing to the United Kingdom’s lofty goal of achieving a future free of emissions.

The Importance of Grants and Incentives for Businesses

Customers and workers that value environmental responsibility will be attracted to your business if you install electric vehicle charging stations, which shows that you are committed to sustainability. It has the potential to boost a business’s image and draw in customers who care about environmental issues.

Businesses that cater to the general public, like stores, restaurants, and entertainment venues, stand to gain by installing electric vehicle charging stations. Customers will be enticed to spend more time on the premises while their vehicles charge, which could lead to an uptick in sales and customer engagement.

Public Relations and Brand Enhancement: Businesses can boost their public relations and brand image as pioneers in sustainability and innovation by endorsing the shift to electric vehicles. This can set a company apart from its rivals by providing an advantage that their rivals do not have.

Reduced Maintenance and Operating Expenses: Compared to conventional vehicles, electric vehicles have reduced maintenance and operating expenses, which means that switching to an EV fleet can eventually minimise operational costs. To make the changeover more financially viable, government subsidies can offset the initial setup expenses.

By boosting the total availability of charging stations and promoting EV adoption within the community, businesses can indirectly profit from grants that local authorities can use to develop public and on-street charging infrastructure.

Financial Incentives: One direct financial benefit is the availability of incentives that help defray the costs of electric vehicle charging infrastructure development. This eases the financial strain on businesses and makes the investment more appealing.

Investing in electric vehicle infrastructure today puts companies in a good position for future compliance and gives them a leg up on competition as government regulations regarding emissions continue to tighten and net-zero targets are being pursued.

Final Thoughts

Businesses can take advantage of a strategic opportunity as the world moves towards electric vehicles and charging infrastructure is put in place. Gains in customer and employee happiness, decreased operating expenses, and improved brand value can be yours with the help of grants and incentives offered by the UK government, which can help to lower the initial investment. Companies who take advantage of these incentives show their stakeholders and the community at large that they are forward-thinking and responsible, while also helping the global sustainability effort.

Embracing electric car infrastructure early on, with the help of government subsidies and incentives, can give businesses a leg up in the growing electric vehicle industry. This will ensure that their operations are future-proof and that they are in line with the larger movement towards more sustainable mobility.

Author: Thomas Jones, ElectrAssure


  1. The trouble is, that these grants do not at present cover areas where big differences can be made, such as large power outlets for Bus charging. To get 350kW chargers, in many places there is not yet the input power, and UK Power Networks want big sums of money to put the bigger power supplies in.

    • Hi Andy,

      I agree, there is some disparity with the grants for the install for eHGV or rapid charging. That is something we will see a shift in the governments focus I hope with the decarbonisation goals for this market.

      With regards to energy upgrades from your DNO, this is something we can help with at ElectrAssure. We have experience with this, and find the initial quotes can be in some cases absurd, however we find that we are usually able to work with the DNO through our independent partners to cut this cost down.

      The problem with working direct with your DNO is even if the upgrade cost is palatable, there are some hidden costs in some cases and the lead time from PO raised to upgrade delivered can vary from months to years. We can also cut this time down, so that all 3 aspects align (delivery of vehicle, charging infrastructure installed & energy upgrade completed), minimising cost to fleets of downtime/relying on public charging network.