
Car having its tyres changed

Most drivers don’t know if their tyres ar...

Jan 20, 2025No Comments

UK drivers are putting themselves at risk of avoidable road collisions and hefty fines by not regularly checking the condition of their tyres and not

DVSA Roadside Check Point

Revised guidance on categorisation of defec...

Apr 25, 2023Comments off

The DVSA has issued revised guidance on how they categorise vehicle defects in roadside checks has been published. The guide outlines the actions they will

DVSA: Removing roadworthiness prohibitions

May 24, 2021Comments off

From 1 June 2021, any prohibitions for testable vehicles or trailers that are not cleared at the roadside will be referred for a prohibition removal

Licence Check introduces roadworthiness che...

Jul 20, 2020Comments off

Licence Check is introducing a new roadworthiness check feature for company and grey fleet drivers that helps address concerns that growing numbers of cars could