Left to right: Lyn Warren, Chief Human Resources Officer, Jayne Ellam HGV Class 1 driver

Evri champions female drivers

Evri, the UK’s biggest dedicated parcel delivery company, today announced its ambition to become the employer of choice for female drivers in the industry. While 30% of its couriers are women, the number of female HGV, LGV and van drivers remains around 3%, only slightly above the industry average.

Lyn Warren, Evri’s Chief Human Resources Officer, is spearheading the company’s efforts to close this gap. With over 20 years of experience in HR and retail, Lyn brings a wealth of expertise in building inclusive and engaging workplaces. She is leading by example, currently undergoing training to obtain her own CAT C licence, demonstrating Evri’s commitment to inspiring other women to consider these fulfilling career paths.

Evri’s announcement during National Apprenticeship Week, which takes place from 5th to 10th February 2024. The company will be using the week to highlight its commitment to apprenticeships and attract new talent into the logistics industry.

Evri will launch several initiatives to attract and retain female drivers, including:

  • A new recruitment and communications campaign to raise awareness and champion female drivers as well as providing more information on becoming a trainee driver, which will include experienced female drivers telling their stories.
  • Listening groups with existing female drivers to understand how Evri can make its workplace a more inclusive environment. Evri wants to ensure that when attracting new drivers, they are retained, and their experience is a positive one.
  • A mentoring programme with existing experienced female drivers to support new ones. It can be daunting starting a new career in any environment, and feedback from our existing female drivers has shown the value of having a mentor they can ask questions.

Driver roles at Evri are often day shifts and in most instances, return to their start point within the shift, meaning no sleeping in cabs. This has often been given as a blocker to women taking driver roles. Evri has dedicated Driving Academy facilities across the UK, including Wakefield and Hemel Hempstead where a pipeline of future LGV drivers are given the training required to achieve their CAT C or to progress to CAT C+E licence. Evri funds this training for both internal and newly recruited colleagues. Lyn Warren is mid-way through her training and hopes to pass this year.

Lyn Warren, CHRO at Evri, said: “I’m passionate about creating a workplace where everyone, regardless of background or gender, can thrive, the logistics industry has traditionally been male dominated, but I believe women have the talent and skillset to excel in this field. We’re removing barriers and creating opportunities for women to join our team, and I’m confident that we can make Evri a place where they can reach their full potential.”

Martijn De Lange, CEO at Evri, said: “We know that a diverse workforce is a strong workforce. By creating a more inclusive workplace, we can attract and retain the best talent and build a more successful business. We’re committed to making Evri a place where everyone has the opportunity to reach their full potential, regardless of who they are.”

Hayley Stocks, current LGV driver was formerly a dental nurse for ten years before she decided to change careers in 2020, said: “I haven’t looked back since! Being an LGV driver gives you more freedom and life choices than my previous job, you can choose the hours, shifts and type of work you prefer. The Driving Academy team were brilliant! They made me feel at ease from day one. Since I’ve passed my C+E with the Driving Academy, it has opened more doors for my career, given me more responsibility within my place of work and the knowledge I will most likely never be out of a job. And to top it off, the training course test was paid for by Evri and no expense to myself.”

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