Smart Dashcam

How AI is transforming the fleet industry

Having an efficient fleet operation is no longer about connected mobility – it’s about intelligent connected mobility.

Woman driving a van with real-time feedback on her driving

Image: Teletrac Navman

Artificial intelligence (AI) has been heralded as a game-changer for some time now for many industries, and while not relevant in an operational capacity, the emergence of ChatGPT is certainly bringing the conversation around AI to everyone. One of the industries to benefit from advances in the technology is fleet management and as AI continues to transform the world we live in, businesses cannot afford to be left behind.

AI holds huge gravitas within the fleet industry, with platforms powered by artificial intelligence analysing data in real time – giving fleet operators a visual of their fleet within a few clicks.

Integrated AI platforms can help turn big data into easily digestible reports, allowing time-poor fleet managers to make decisions confidently. AI technologies such as Teletrac Navman’s TN360 connect and protect the team by digitally transforming operations so anomalies can be detected – with AI nominating opportunities for improvement within an instance.

As modern technology evolves quickly, so have the AI capabilities of internal and external cameras. Teletrac Navman’s smart dashcams use AI to spot a danger happening on the road in real time – and will alert the driver. Not only do the cameras monitor what’s happening outside the cab, they also monitor the driver’s behaviour inside.

Dashcam snapshots

Image: Teletrac Navman

The camera can spot behaviours such as when a driver’s seatbelt is not on or when a driver shows signs of tiredness, like excessive yawning. The AI cameras alert the driver of dangerous behaviours in real time, so accidents are prevented. What is more, the activity is recorded and presented to the fleet manager automatically, so the correct training can be implemented.  The automated and simplified process helps identify patters spotlighting areas of improvement and helps build training programmes bespoke to the individual driver – saving valuable time and driving increased safety.

AI integration does more than save time, save money, save resource – it allows for a bespoke, data-driven approach which creates a better working environment for people to fulfil their potential, feel empowered, bring stress levels down, and improve overall wellbeing while on the job, both on the fleet manager’s side, and the driver’s.

Teletrac Navman homescreen

Image: Teletrac Navman

Fleet management software is often underutilised due to its complexity and the industry faces three major problems: a long learning curve, limited automation and poor analytics capabilities. At Teletrac Navman, we are changing this by building a new future of telematics.

Customers demand largescale, low-complexity systems that require little-to-no training and address multiple business problems. Through AI and machine learning, we are shifting how businesses look at and use their data.

It’s a simple concept – a business empowered with the right AI solutions that can integrate seamlessly with other business functions will see an immediate impact on efficiency, compliance and safety.

Teletrac Navman has published a blog on its website, giving detail into how the right software can help build competitive advantage.

Author: Barney Goffer, UK Product Manager, Teletrac Navman

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